Red River Silver Stars
Coushatta, Louisiana

Drillmaster:  Debra Jones
Captain:  Rhonda Shaver
Co-Captain:  Jo Lynn Ross
Sec/Treas:  Cindy Smith

The Red River Silver Stars drill team is a group 11 of women (and 1 man) who
love to ride and enjoy the camaraderie of being part of a team.  We do not
compete as there are no competitions in our local area.  We perform at local
rodeos and horse shows.  Our team cptain designs the rough draft of each
drill and is always open for suggested changes.  This seems to give each
member a chance to use his/her creativity, and a sense of being part of the
final creation.  We practice year round on the first and third Monday of each
month, with many extra practices added just before a performance.  Our team
colors are Silver and Black.
For More information on the Red River Silver Stars Contact:
Rhonda Shaver
Or visit the Silver Stars Web Site